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Strive4 Academy Trust

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Become a member of a Local Governing Body or a member of the Trust

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.

Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. To find out about the Local Governing Body of the Strive4 schools, please click here.

What do governors do?

School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools.  It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources. Take a look at the National Governance Association role description, What do governors do?   

Each individual governor is a member of a governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board.  

The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)


The headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing board. New to governance? Read more about being a governor in Welcome to Governance.

We are currently recruiting for:

  • a dedicated and skilled individual to join Strive4 Trust board.
  • a passionate and committed individual to join the Local Governing Body.


If you would like to become a member of the LGB, please complete an application form below:

Governing Body Application Pack

Application Form.doc

If you are interested in forming part of the Trust Board:



Trustee Role Description

Trustee Advert