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Strive4 Academy Trust

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Our School Improvement Service Offer

School Improvement Offer

We work with academies and schools at different stages of their journey of continual self-improvement. Whether at leadership or classroom level, different strategies will be needed to ensure all children achieve at the highest level in all areas of school life.

We fully understand that every school is unique and that every school is at a different point in their journey as they strive for excellence. Our highly qualified and experienced Executive and Central Team will work with leaders, trustees and governors to evaluate and decide how we can best support you by creating a bespoke core offer of support and improvement for your individual school.

School Improvement Cycle


Improvement Partner Support

Academic Year 2024 - 2025

Our Improvement Partner (IP) Programme provides three half-day visits from an Improvement Partner, tailored to meet the needs of the school.  This can be purchased for £1050.

The focus and schedule of these visits will be agreed with the school’s Improvement Partner. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Reviewing the quality of education
  • Supporting the development of leadership and management at all levels
  • Assisting with preparation for Ofsted inspections, including reviewing key documentation along with impact and progress evidence.

The school will receive a record of each visit, which can be part of your evidence of external challenge and validation. The school can contact the Improvement Partner by phone or email to discuss specific school issues. If they are newly associated with the school, the Improvement Partner will complete a half day familiarisation visit. All Improvement Partners (IPs) will work, where appropriate, with the Local Authority School Improvement Service to commission additional moderation, challenge, and support as required.  Additional teaching and learning support can be purchased in the following packages:

  • 3 additional half day visits - £600
  • 6 additional half day visits - £ 1100
  • 9 additional half day visits - £1500

Additional Teaching and Learning Support Schools can also choose to add to the IP Programme offer above and commission the School Improvement service for a set number of additional teaching and learning support days to support their school’s priorities for the academic year. This will be a bespoke offer to the school and agreed in discussion with the school’s IP.

This option provides schools with a 10% discount on the total cost of additional days commissioned for the academic year.

Contact Details:

Amanda Jennings, CEO (Amanda.jennings@strive4academy.co.uk

Fiona McGrath, School Improvement Lead on admin@strive4academy.co.uk phone 02085047301

School Improvement Offer

School Partner Service Offer