Executive Team
Amanda Jennings is the Chief Executive officer of Strive4 Academy Trust.
As Chief Executive Officer, Amanda develops and articulates the vision, values and ethos for Strive4 Trust and inspires and empowers others to lead ever-progressing schools. She is responsible for the performance of Strive4 schools and is committed to creating profound learning opportunities for both pupils and staff alike; she believes in the personal and academic development of all.
With a proven track record of educational innovation, development and improvement, Amanda has a breadth of strategic leadership experience and skills across the primary and middle school sector. Prior to her role as CEO in September 2017, Amanda had successfully led several schools from requiring improvement to good and outstanding with Ofsted reports reflecting the ambitious culture of aspiration within the schools. Amanda has particular expertise in teaching and learning, safeguarding and developing leaders and this she has led to school improvement work both locally and nationally. Amanda has over 32 years’ experience in Education, with over 18 years experience of being a headteacher and she has held many positions of responsibility and leadership within schools. Amanda holds both the national professional qualification for executive leaders and the national professional qualification for headship. Amanda is principally responsible to the Trust Board, Parliament and the Education and Skills Funding Agency for managing the financial resources under Trust control. This is achieved by ensuring value for money to achieve the best possible educational and wider outcomes through the economic, efficient and effective use of Trust funds.
John Lee is the Head of Farnham Green Primary School from September 2023. Previously he was the Head of Farnham's 'sister' school, Ray Lodge Primary School - an outstanding, large primary school and Nursery in the London Borough of Redbridge. He has been a head for over 5 years.
John has over 17 years’ experience in teaching and leadership in both mainstream primary and special school sectors. Formerly the head of Farnham Green Primary (between 2017-2021), he successfully led the school out of 'causing concern' into good on the cusp of outstanding; in just 7 terms of opening.
John currently works in close partnership with the Best Practice Network facilitating training for National Qualifications for school leaders, thus investing in the future for schools. John has a particular expertise in Inclusion and SEND, leadership and development, safeguarding, and rapid but sustainable school improvement.
Nicholas Miller is the Head of Ray Lodge Primary School and has significant experience of staff management and school leadership at strategic and operational levels.
Nick has successfully led two schools to becoming a sustainably strong school. In leading his schools, he looks for opportunities to work towards his vision of nurturing happy, healthy, confident learners who always aim high and strive for excellence. He is a research-informed leader who links with other schools locally and nationally, so he can learn from them and share best practice.