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Strive4 Academy Trust

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International Partnerships

At Strive4 Academy Trust we passionately believe that collaborating with schools and leaders of schools in other countries puts learning and world events into context and significantly accelerates staff development.

University College, Lillebaelt, Odense, Denmark.

Each year we host a visit by Danish Educators through our partnership with University College, Lillebaelt, Odense, Denmark. Thirteen school leaders and two from pre-schools visit to look particularly at the Trust's approach to online saftey. 

'Students and teachers were good inspiration for us all...'

'The work with online safety is very impressive...'

'Leadership was inspirational , professional and honest...'

'Great to see policy of internet security adopted into school life...'

'There is a high level of professional teaching around this area in comparison to our schools in Denmark'

PLK Fong Wong Kam Chuen Primary School, HKBUAS Wong Kam Fai Primary and Logos Academy, Hong Kong

It is a privilege to link with the three schools above and to recently have had children and teachers join us in our schools.

The University of North Carolina Wilmington

Annually the Trust is visited by US visitors from UNC-W, arranged by Dr Jayson Richardson & Dr Marsha Carr. Studying for their doctorates and PhDs  on Leadership & Management they focus on the curriculum being taught in UK schools. This is a long partnership and one that shares our excellent practice internationally.

'Pupil voice was inspiring - amazing leadership opportunities for the children...'

'Inspired by the collaborative, constant improvement mindset that all the staff are modelling....'

'Loved the student led learning walk.. '

'A great place to learn...

'Hardwork and passion evident from leadership...

'A culture which is child-centred.'

'High expectations and happiness evident throughout the visit...'