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Strive4 Academy Trust

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Key Performance Indicators

Excellence in teaching and learning

Supporting our pupils and students to achieve their ambitions is at the heart of all we do. We will continue to deliver innovative programmes that challenge and stretch, underpinned by tailored educational and therapeutic support where needed. New technologies will be deployed both to support the delivery of high quality learning opportunities and to track progress and achievement via robust data monitoring. We will develop the skills and knowledge base of all our staff through a comprehensive CPD offer and rigorous quality monitoring.


Each provision/service demonstrates achievement against ambitious key performance indicators focused on pupil/student achievements, teaching and learning and community engagement.

Trust Key Performance Indicators:

  • Academy provision is good/better
  • Outcomes improved against last year

Reputation for partnership working

We will build on existing partnership work to ensure that the Strive4 Trust enjoys a strong reputation for partnership work. Our collegiate approach will ensure the free flow of knowledge between partners and strengthen the practice of all involved.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Feedback from local authorities and stakeholders shows 90% satisfaction or above

Being part of the Local Offer

Strive4 is committed to working with local communities and stakeholders to ensure the best opportunities for our pupils.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Close working with LAs results in evidence of improved pupil/student outcomes
  • Close working with LAs enables funding support to reflect pupil/student needs
  • Successful involvement in the Redbridge Education Partnership

Financial Working

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Develop strong financial planning models to help support the implementation of the Trust strategy
  • Further develop the financial and management accounting reporting by implementing a comprehensive resource allocation exercise to determine curriculum and service budget resources
  • Raise participation and achievement by Heads in budgeting.
  • Improve support and access to financial information for Heads/managers, to enable good decision making and better use of resources
  • Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial systems
  • Ensure appropriate risk management and options appraisal of operations
  • Maintain a positive cash flow position