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Strive4 Academy Trust

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School Improvement Team         

F McGrath 

M Gould 

H Kaur

R Hahlani 

A Jennings

Our team of highly experienced and inspirational school leaders have decades of experience behind them and we are dedicated to making every second count in terms of driving school improvement and sustaining excellence for children.

As leaders we aim to inspire and motivate others on how improved practice on assessment, curriculum and continuing professional development (CPD) can deliver school improvement, better pupil outcomes and higher staff engagement and well-being. As a team, we have an excellent understanding of the evidence base and latest thinking on assessment, curriculum design and CPD and how to translate this into practice in our schools and in the schools outside the Trust that we support.

We aim to be role models for CPD and champions for the importance of effective assessment and curriculum practice. Collectively we are driven by ensuring our work has an impact on the quality of education and pupil outcomes, and have experience in embedding frameworks for impact evaluations in our schools.

We have the responsibility and accountability for shaping, communicating and delivering the Trust's strategic priorities on shared assessment and curriculum practice, developing professional learning communities and CPD that impacts on performance and staff progression.